About Wing Chun

Wing Chun’s appeal is due both to its simplicity and to its depth. The Chinese game of Go, chess, music and math enthusiasts are all aware of how a few well chosen concepts can produce a wealth of expression which can take a lifetime to explore. Such is the case in Wing Chun. Some dismiss it as too simplistic while others find enough depth for a lifetime of study.

Economy of action implemented through the centerline theory, is a key idea in Wing Chun. If it is simple and effective, then it is good Wing Chun. Flowery, showy actions are not part of Wing Chun. However, the one-inch punch, blindfolded sticking hands, and the wooden dummy are impressive enough to influence many to join the art.

Wing Chun literature stresses that Wing Chun is a woman’s art. This idea emphasizes that brute strength should not be used. Correct positioning, feeling, timing and strategy are relied on instead. There are women today who are 5′ 2″ and weigh 105-115 pounds who can best stronger men 6′ 2″ tall weighing upwards of 200 pounds. This demonstrates that a difference in skill can make up for a difference in size. This was the original intention of the art.

Many innovative training ideas help make the Wing Chun practitioner effective in a relatively short period of time. These include wooden dummy training and Chi Sau or “sticking hands” training. Today many martial artsĀ  have incorporated some of these ideas within their own styles.